
Archive for June, 2007|Monthly archive page

Annoying Me

In Daily Annoyance on June 28, 2007 at 10:46 pm

I usually write things that annoy me.  Well today is an exception because due to my flu, I apparently annoy those who are dear to me to the highest levels.   And therefore I would like to apologize for:

1.  My constant attention-seeking telephone calls
2.  My uncontrollable mood swings
3.  My exceptionally sensitive nose for smelling ‘mysterious’ reasons behind some actions

But come to think of it, I don’t have to apologize.  I have the flu, the sore throat and the painful joints and I’m entitled to be annoying.

Dancing Dream

In Questions, Randomness on June 28, 2007 at 9:06 pm

It’s that time of the year again when your body suddenly aches, and your throat is suddenly sore you’d think it’ll gather enough mucus to spit the next morning but it didn’t and you ended up hurting it more than you should by trying to spit out ‘nothing’.

Enough gross talk.

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Tryin’ This Out

In Uncategorized on June 23, 2007 at 4:12 am

Okay, if you can hear ‘Pingin Beken’ by Padhyangan Project, then it’s official.

I can put songs in my blog 😉

I’m off to bed now.


Freakishly Funny News

In Giggle To This!, Me Likey, Miund's News, My Onion Addiction on June 23, 2007 at 1:35 am

It’s Friday night and I am enjoying The Onion immensely. Here is one particular news that caught my ears…


… and here’s another one…


… and another one…


Now who says news can’t be entertaining? HA!

Oh What A Headline! :D

In Fashion Police, Giggle To This!, Miund's News, My Onion Addiction on June 23, 2007 at 1:27 am


The Onion

Chanel Develops Durable, Low-Cost Perfume For Third World


All Jokes Aside

In Celebrity Talk, Entertainment on June 22, 2007 at 10:10 pm

I just watched Mr. Bean’s Holiday. Being a fan of Rowan Atkinson for years, I’d have to say that this movie disappointed me. It’s not as funny as its first debut on theatres, nowhere near Johnny English’s comedy and a total screw up from the TV version -which I watched for too many times now.

Some would say: “What do you expect? It’s only comedy.”

No, people. To me comedy is important. If ‘comedy’ isn’t ‘funny’ anymore, then this world is doomed. And comedy should be everlasting. One should be able to laugh at one’s grandfather’s favorite comic’s antics. That’s why the genre is different than any other. Comedy is always relevant to time.

Mr. Atkinson, I promise I’ll get over what I saw in Mr. Bean’s Holiday and continue watching your performance as ‘The Devil’ at the Harvard Theater. I’ll pretend Mr. Bean’s Holiday never existed.

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Invention Needed ASAP!

In Randomness, Silly Posts on June 22, 2007 at 2:54 am

Attention all inventors!

I would like to brief you all to come up with an invention that would surely change my life and yours.  Here goes:

A device that can transport ME to wherever HE is.  Preferably smallish in size (think iPod), stylish and comes in pairs so HE can have one too. 

Reward:  The successful inventor will be thanked and his/her name will be credited in this blog or any other publication created by ME, HIM or US in the future.  WE will too, mention the inventor’s name occasionally at family/friend gatherings.

Interested applicant apply NOW!

*Bebe, this is what happens when I miss you this much.  Come heeewww!

Still ‘Unsleepable’ after ‘Freshy’

In Me Likey, Mushy :), Randomness, Silly Posts on June 21, 2007 at 1:50 am

Well well.

It’s once again proven that I am a loyal person, even to my blog.  This afternoon I was a bit intrigued on trying out other skins in this ever so limited WordPress.com thingie.  I flirted around with the ‘Freshy’ theme, and ended up in a raunchy 7-hour affair before returning to Ben Gray’s ‘Unsleepable’ theme for refuge.  Nothing bad about the Freshy theme, but I somehow felt like losing a small part of myself.  And no, Ben Gray, I promise I won’t cheat again with other themes unless you come up with something similar to Unsleepable.  How’s that?  😀

And speaking of relationships…

Happy 1 year and 4 months anniversary, Bebe.  I remembered, but you beat me as usual!  I love you and I love you and I love you! 😉


Less Stressed My Ass

In Business, Daily Annoyance, Sarcasm on June 20, 2007 at 2:36 am

Despite the news of stupid students that breaks my heart, my reading spirit is somewhat high tonight and I came across this article.

So, does the phrase ‘less paid… less stressed’ apply to me?


In the ideal world, I’d love to sip my tea while writing my next book from a terrace of a beachouse somewhere in Bora-Bora, bought by royalty money from my previous books which had turned into blockbuster movies.

But this is the real world we’re talking about.

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School Sucks (?)

In Daily Annoyance, Questions, Sarcasm, Ultimate Sarcasm on June 20, 2007 at 12:07 am

Okay, don’t be alarmed by the title of this post. Am just trying to copy the ways of tabloids in getting people to the edge of their seats here.

Now, the real matter.

I read this just now and was truly appalled.

What’s happening with Indonesia these days? First it was the natural disasters, political stupidities *yeah we got a lot of these since God knows when*… and now (pardon my language) stupid students? Haven’t this country suffered enough?

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