
Archive for the ‘Randomness’ Category

Beyond My Comprehension

In Randomness on February 5, 2009 at 5:36 am

I just couldn’t understand…

…how some people get pissed because they could not peek at some other people’s lives.
…how some people can be so freaking ignorant.
…how some people expects some people to be funny at all times.
…how some people thinks some people have no other lives beyond the internet.
…why they haven’t called. It’s sick. It’s like I’m a pre-teen girl waiting for a freaking call after a first date.
…why it’s been raining all the time these days.
…why I couldn’t find the desire to write in this blog -or in fact do ANYTHING- whenever it hits below 25°.

What I do understand is…

…that the American Idol season has begun and that means my Wednesdays and Thursdays are off limits.
…that I’ve forgotten how fun dancing can be!
…that I’m sick of Jakarta but stuck in it.
…the meaning of SMH. FINALLY! LOL!
…that I’ve been waiting for that call.  That VERY important call. *sigh*
…that I’m prepared to drop everything if I do get that call.
…that Plurk amuses me more than anything.

But what is beyond my comprehension is…

…it’s only the beginning of February and it already feels like a year have passed.

I’ve been hangin’ out in the real world too much. Or haven’t I? SMH.



In Questions, Randomness, Reviews on October 6, 2008 at 1:32 am

I don’t really get people’s enthusiasm over the new mall FX.  To me, the inside is labyrinth-like, you can’t go to the place you wanna go without having to make unnecessary detours.  Layout-wise it’s kinda annoying.  And what’s up with the ‘dangerous’ slide?  Aaannnddd… why would one want to hold a meeting in aquarium-like ‘meeting rooms’?  Sure it’s meant to see and be seen, but why would you want to be seen when you’re in a meeting?  Why would you want people to see you when you normally don’t want any disturbance when doing a meeting?  Isn’t that a contradictive concept?



In Randomness on September 12, 2008 at 5:52 am

Disclaimer:  Beware of too much estrogen in the following post.

You see, I have something to get off my chest.

You endured the torture of walking or driving past a hair salon and not being able to go in because you were afraid to be tempted to get a trim because you want a long hair so much. You even made a pact with your hairstylist that if she sees you anywhere near a salon, she holds the right to make you BALD and you can’t sue her.

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Wanna Find Out?

In Gloomy Me, Randomness on July 30, 2008 at 12:28 am


But did.

So, I wish I hadn’t.

That’s the thing about knowing.  Sometimes it’s good, sometimes not so much.  The other times I think ignorance is bliss, but now I think knowledge is IBLIS.

Shitty facts happen to good people.   Weird how I wish I was the shitty fact instead of the ‘good people’ sometimes.  Because shitty facts can just bump into good people and leave without care.

But what happens to the good people?

They are left with globs of mess around them, knowing they should probably clean it off but there will always be a peering eye that watches their movements.

People say I make them depressed sometimes.  Do I like to do it, no.  Do I need to do it, sometimes yes.  But have they ever thought about it in reverse?

It is hard to stay in the middle all the time, especially with all this mess around.  The broom is within reach, but for some reasons… I’m just gonna sit down pretty and pray it will go away.


Not fucking easy growing up at all, I tell ya.


In Giggle To This!, Randomness, Silly Posts on July 29, 2008 at 4:53 am

Went to an old friend’s wedding on Saturday.  It was a church wedding and it was beautiful.

The only thing that struck me was the choir’s pop-ish playlist.  If I’m not mistaken, it has Nat King Cole’s “L.O.V.E”, Andra & The Backbone’s “Sempurna”, some other ‘today tunes’ and the ultimate selection: Phantom of The Opera’s “All I Ask of You”.

I love the songs as they are weirdly appropriate to be sung inside a church by a somewhat funky choir which made it all the more enjoyable.  But I’ve always thought that “All I Ask of You” is kinda desperate, lyric wise.  Am I wrong here?  Again, it was beautiful, though.  I think selecting songs from musicals for your wedding is really smart.

Well, not just any musicals.  It would be weird to have “Keep It Gay” of “Springtime for Hitler” from The Producers in a wedding.


(Un)Conventionally Yours

In Randomness, Silly Posts on July 15, 2008 at 4:47 am

Just had a deep conversation with Mr. J (no, not Jesus) and we spoke about stuff that might not be comprehensive to other beings who probably wouldn’t understand our lingo.  But the thing that got caught on my memory is when we spoke about living in this conventional world.

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On 4th of July And Victoria’s Secret

In Randomness on July 5, 2008 at 4:30 am

I never thought I’d like the American Independence Day this much.  Spent tonight not working but on a date with my guy shopping -and I’m not just talking drooling over a dress and trying to get over it when seeing the ridiculous price tag. I meant really shopping (Denny Wirawan should thank me for overpaying for what I bought).  Well I didn’t clean the store, I did back off on that brown dress with a cute large belt, but I did give it some serious thought.


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In Randomness on June 26, 2008 at 10:34 pm

Dear Lord,

I am in love with eBay.

Please don’t ever take it away from me.


Night And Day

In Randomness on June 6, 2008 at 4:35 am

“Good night, Asmara.  You have a good rest.  See you tomorrow.”
“And you have a great day!”

Night. Day.  I seriously can’t see the difference nowadays.

No, wait.  I still can.

The thing that confuses me a lot is how my ‘yesterday’ is still their ‘today’.

Wow.  I wonder what’s gonna happen if the world isn’t round.

Thank God my boss is on world time. 😀

Morning Discovery

In Entertainment, Image Post, Randomness, TV Talk on May 31, 2008 at 12:34 pm

I was searching for Ed Westwick this morning when I came across this sexy cast picture of Gossip Girl.

Observe the new sexiness, the white, the guy on the bottom right (yes, my new crush named Ed Westwick a.k.a Chuck Bass, the anti-hero character in the show) and the whole idea of taking a picture of the cast lying on a huge huge bed.

Suddenly I got a déjà vu.

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