
Archive for June, 2008|Monthly archive page


In Randomness on June 26, 2008 at 10:34 pm

Dear Lord,

I am in love with eBay.

Please don’t ever take it away from me.


They Sent Me Stuff! :D

In Entertainment, Image Post, Me Likey on June 26, 2008 at 12:28 am

And after only 12 days of writing about their fabulous fish tank toilet, and sending them my thoughts about how cool their website is, the guys at Stupididiotic.com sent me an envelope full of merchandise.  Check this out!

Cool Stuff!

The pack contained:  Stupididiotic pills a.k.a fruity mints, half a dozen of stickers, one 3D sticker to stick on a car and one holographic sticker.

You know, I’ve read ‘Letters From A Nut‘ a million times, but only today I understand what effect made Ted L. Nancy got so addicted in writing to consumer product corporations, hotels, airlines even kings.  He sent his thoughts, praises and complaints to these companies and most of the time gets favorable replies or freebies!

These merchandise might seem like a silly promotional stuff, but to think that they actually took the effort in sending these out to people who write like me… makes it so sweet.   It makes you feel appreciated for giving them the appreciation.  It also proves that a nice sentence goes a long way.  And it’s one smart marketing move that should be set up as an example for us here in Indonesia, as we tend to dismiss the attentions given to us by customers and focusing more on the complaints.

So again, kudos to Stupidiotic.com for their brainy (not to mention ultra-cool) approach to silly praises!

And to my readers, do make yourself heard because somewhere out there…

…some people actually listen!

Here Fishy Fishy!

In Uncategorized on June 12, 2008 at 12:05 am

So by now you’d probably know my taste for quirky stuff.

Tonight I found something brilliantly idiotic… and I want it real bad.

Your toilet experience will never be the same again.  And before you click ‘read more’… do hang on to your seats.  Presenting, the silliest interior element of the year…

Read the rest of this entry »

Night And Day

In Randomness on June 6, 2008 at 4:35 am

“Good night, Asmara.  You have a good rest.  See you tomorrow.”
“And you have a great day!”

Night. Day.  I seriously can’t see the difference nowadays.

No, wait.  I still can.

The thing that confuses me a lot is how my ‘yesterday’ is still their ‘today’.

Wow.  I wonder what’s gonna happen if the world isn’t round.

Thank God my boss is on world time. 😀