
Archive for January, 2008|Monthly archive page

Pillow Talk

In Heartwarming on January 25, 2008 at 11:49 pm

“So, how many hearts have you stolen?”
“A lot, I think.”
“But you stole mine, and I insist you keep it.”

And there goes the butterflies again 🙂

Mi Familia

In Heartwarming, Randomness on January 12, 2008 at 11:35 pm

Right. I just came back from a full-blown family gathering at my cousin’s place. Random thoughts weirdnesses as follows:

1. Weird how it seems like only yesterday that we used to sweat in the sweltering heat playing with anything available to play with (read: bicycles, the neighbor’s cats, an uncle’s car) and mocking the boring adults who sit nicely and talk with obnoxious laughters thrown sporadically and yelling “CAREFUL!” at us, while today we became those boring adults who sit nicely and talk with obnoxious laughters thrown sporadically while neurotically yelling “CAREFUL!” to the kids sweating in the sweltering heat playing with anything available to play with and mocking US.

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Sweet… Mother of God!

In My Amazing Race Asia Addiction on January 11, 2008 at 1:14 am

Okay, not gonna write much about this episode.  Just gathering up some thoughts on it.

1.  Loved the stress level put on Marc and Rovilson as the teams kept pooling up together.  Although these guys made it first (yet again), it was a wicked fun to see Rovilson’s stressed out face.  Yet he still managed to flirt with one of the Thailand girls.  HAHAHA!

2.  Loved the Nokia built-in.  Those messages from the teams’ closest people were very heartwarming.  Good job on this one, producers.

3.  Loved the damsel in distress task.  Very silly, but really it was fun to watch.

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On The Edge, Thinking.

In Randomness on January 9, 2008 at 11:57 pm

Someone who still manages to maintain his wit after downing two Panadols once told me that I should always live on the edge.  By on the edge he means that I should live like there’s no tomorrow.  Cease the day.  Carpe diem.  And all that stuff.

And I believed him.

I am all for this living on the edge philosophy.  And I think I am doing it perfectly.  I HAVE been doing it all my adult life.  Why?  Because instead of just wondering what life is like beyond the edge, sometimes I choose to follow my guts and take a free fall.  Heck I don’t even care to jump.  Why?  Because I always believe that there would be a branch or something that I can be caught on.

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Dunder Mifflin, This Is Miund, How May I Help You?

In Me Likey on January 7, 2008 at 2:09 pm

Spent the holiday watching past episodes of The Office (US), the current episodes on Star World and hanging on the edge of my seat waiting for the next season which will include Jim and Pam’s romance development, Michael’s static position and his affair with Jan… and of course, the infamous Dwight Schrute antics.

So please, if Dunder Mifflin has an opening, please let me know. I’m up for anything, seriously.


Save The Plastic Bags, Save The World!

In Image Post, Sarcasm on January 7, 2008 at 2:33 am

As posted previously in my Indonesian blog.

I am no environmentalist. Dude, I still smoke and drive a gasoline-powered car. But I’m trying to cut down paper use. Trying to not litter. And lately I’ve been trying to save electricity with any means possible. I know about the global warming although I really think the campaigns are overrated. And it’s so overrated that some geniuses at our local Carrefour Hypermarket decided to help save the environment without really knowing what to do. Why do I say so? Well they issued these so-called special edition shopping bags, as seen in its ITC Permata Hijau branch.

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Korea Race? Rocks.

In My Amazing Race Asia Addiction on January 4, 2008 at 1:21 am

I strangely don’t feel like writing about this episode.  Not that it’s not good or anything. In fact, the race quality is improving. I just don’t feel like it.  But then I am keeping my promise to write after I watch every single episode of TARA 2.

I guess driving is the key theme for this episode.  The tasks weren’t boring, in fact they were interesting and very… Korea-ish.  First task… a road block: they had to look for clues inside hundreds of soybean pots.  Had to be very frustrating.   Second, a choice between carrying woods -Korean style- or throwing sticks.  Very challenging, physically, as both test one’s strength and accuracy.  Third, paddling a  swan boat.  Must be very tiring, but lucky for those who spends hours on spinning classes.  Dumb blonde moment as admitted by Paula and Natasha weren’t as dumb as trying to hump a kerbau (HAHAHAHA! Forgetting to untie a boat could happen to anybody, but hump-a-rump attempt on the paddy field is another story).  And then off to the pit stop. And yeah, Allan Wu was really cute.  I was ready to claw the somewhat flirty Korean girl who stood beside him to greet the contestants.  Yeah.  Envious me.


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