
Archive for November, 2006|Monthly archive page

The Green Kitchen Project

In Uncategorized on November 29, 2006 at 3:33 am

Okay, so I have been muffling with this idea for quite some time now… and today is the official launch day for…

Click on the link below to see all things yummy!

Click Here To Go To The Site

My mum have been doing the business for the past few years but only now I actually have the luxury of time to help her promote her -already famous among my friends and family- cooking!

Well, I am ready to take orders now because The Green Kitchen Project is at your service 🙂  Seriously!

*oh, by the way… the site is fully done in Indonesian.  I’ll be happy to translate if it is indeed necessary 😉


In Uncategorized on November 24, 2006 at 9:41 pm

You know how it feels when you’re about to go on a first date with somebody you REALLY REALLY like?

I’ve been feeling the butterflies, waiting for my bebe to come to my office today (he’s on a day off) so he can be mine ALL NIGHT! YAY!

Okay, he’s here right now and I better not write anything yet… as I am busy blushing :”>


A Male-Only Post

In Uncategorized on November 18, 2006 at 2:29 am

I used to ignore those chain posts and emails with superstitious air. But now that I’ve got the love of my life, I just couldn’t afford to take any risks. Besides, this one I got from Friendster is really how us girls think whenever we do these sort of stuff. I added my own personal comments in Italic. Note to single guys who are in the courting process… this might help you out -or you should ask my man, because he sure knows when, where and how to do these things 😉

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Curing Insomnia, My Way

In Imagination Gone Amok on November 16, 2006 at 2:38 am

Oh well, here I am feeling so fucking bored.

I was up late last night, yes that goddamn insomnia again, and I decided to call my best friend Wenni. She sounded so very sleepy and I only said this to her: “Get yourself ready, no need to pack. My driver will pick you up and we’re going to Singapore. Bye.” Twenty minutes later, we were seated comfortably on my dad’s jet. “Miund, what are we going to do there?” Wenni asked. I sipped my hot chocolate, stared out the plane window and shrugged. “Whatever. I’m bored with Jakarta.”

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In Uncategorized on November 12, 2006 at 6:05 pm

I’ve been busy these days.

The most phenomenal thing happened on Friday, when my boss took me to visit a friend of his:  a renowned Indonesian photographer.  I’ve always liked looking at pictures and being artistically photographed, and this guy has been in my fantasy for years now.  No dirty or sexual fantasy.  Just the thing I imagined now and then:

“If I have a private photographer, that would be AWESOME!”

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Friday Night Post

In Uncategorized on November 4, 2006 at 2:40 am

This is a translation of “Cerita Jumat Malam”

Working in the entertainment world had me accustomed to meeting Indonesia’s public figures. And as accustomed as I am, I don’t anymore feel the need to take pictures with them, and if the celeb isn’t in my circle of friends, I don’t even feel the need to do small talks with them unless I really have to. You know, for professional reasons. Well, this clearly didn’t apply when I came face to face with my long time favorite Indonesian actor, Roy Marten.


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